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Fraud And Serious Fraud Cases By Fraud Barristers Direct

Fraud is treated as a serious crime, and there are various organisations and departments that have been set up specifically to tackle instances of fraud. Different types of fraud will have different consequences, but it may be possible to put forward a defence to help combat any allegations and potential charges…

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HMRC Investigations

HMRC Tax Investigations By Fraud Barristers Direct

HMRC have the power to investigate any individual or business that they believe to have been guilty of a tax or VAT crime. There are many such crimes, and the government has been paying particular attention to tax evasion over the past years. The investigation process may involve the issuance of a warrant to search your premises…

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Missing Trader Fraud

Missing Trader Fraud MTIC Cases Defended By Fraud Barristers Direct

Missing trader fraud relies on the abuse of VAT rules between EU member states. In the simplest of cases, buyers are not charged VAT by the supplier but should pay this money to HMRC. They buy the goods, do not pay the VAT, and then disappear. More complex versions of this, often referred to as carousel fraud, can see considerably…

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Regulatory Crime

Business Fraud Cases By Fraud Barristers Direct

There are more than 300 Regulators in the UK; groups that are set up in order to ensure that individuals and businesses meet specific regulations. Some of these regulations may be concerned with professional services, while others are concerned with individuals. With so many regulators, and such a broad scope…

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Benefit Fraud

Benefit Fraud Cases By Fraud Barristers Direct

Any claimant may be subjected to a full investigation, with the threat of the loss of benefits and even fines and a prison sentence at the culmination of the investigation. These can be troubling times, especially for those that do genuinely need the money that they receive. It is important to comply with any investigation…

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Corruption Cases By Fraud Barristers Direct

Corruption is a complex area of law, and one that even the government and lawmakers have struggled to clearly define. While bribery of any official is considered a criminal act, there are many loopholes but there are also areas of the law that mean law abiding individuals could suffer the consequences of criminal conviction…

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Computer Fraud

Computer Fraud Cases By Fraud Barristers Direct

With such a technical area of law and voluminous evidence it is imperative that you have expert and effective legal representation right form the start. By using Fraud Barristers Direct, you have access to a wide network of expert direct access fraud barristers who have a wealth of experience with computer fraud…

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Asset Recovery & Confiscation

Asset Recovery & Compensation Cases By Fraud Barristers Direct

It is not unusual to understand that confiscation and asset recovery cases can cause a similar if not more upset to people that the substantive criminal case itself. The burden of proof is very much shifted from the prosecution to the defence in rebutting the financial and asset based presumptions that are raised before the courts…

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Money Laundering

Money Laundering Cases Defended By Fraud Barristers Direct

Money laundering investigations can both be a very worrying time for all concerned and can cause commercial paralysis whilst the investigations are undertaken. The prosecuting authorities have a wide range of powers at their disposal under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, which includes their ability to freeze the assets…

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